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LL.M.-Programme in den USA
LL.M.-Programme in den USA

„Why is it called an LL.M? Why aren't there any periods between the LL's? LL.M is latin for Legum Magister, signifying Master of Laws. In latin abbreviations, the plural form of a word is indicated by doubling the letter -- hence "LL." is short for Laws. The word legum is the possessive plural form of the latin word lex, which means "specific laws." When used in the plural, it signifies a specific body of laws, as opposed to the general collective concept embodied in the word jus, from which the word juris and our modern English word "justice" derive. In the feminine; i.e., for a female student, the expression is Legum Magistra.“

Modell der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Juristen-Vereinigung (DAJV) zur Darlehensfinanzierung eines LL.M.-Studiums in den USA: http://www.dajv.de/llmfin/text-d.htm

- American University, Washington D.C.

Kurse: International Law

Informationen: http://www.wcl.american.edu/ilsp/

Kontakt: International Legal Studies Program
4801 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Suite 340
Washington, DC 20016-8189
Ph: (202) 274-4110
Fax: (202) 274-4116
Email: llminfo@wcl.american.edu

- University of Arizona:

Kurse: International Trade Law

Informationen: http://www.law.arizona.edu/depts/llmitl/home.html

- Berkeley

Informationen: http://www.law.berkeley.edu/academics/adp/llmprog.shtml

Kontakt: University of California, Berkeley School of Law Graduate Degree Program
354 Boalt Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-7200
Phone: (510) 642-1476
Email: schmidte@law.berkeley.edu

- Boston University

Kurse: American Law, Banking Law, Tax Law

Informationen: http://web.bu.edu/LAW/graduate/

- University at Buffalo

Kurse: Criminal Law

Informationen: http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/llm.htm

Kontakt: Office of Admissions University at Buffalo Law School 309 O'Brian Hall Buffalo, New York 14260, USA Phone: 716-645-2907 E-mail: law-admissions@buffalo.edu

- University of Chicago

Informationen: http://www.law.uchicago.edu/prospective/llm-index.html

Kontakt: The University of Chicago Law School
1111 E. 60th St.
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: 773-702-9494

- University of Kent, Chicago

Kurse: International and Comparative Law, Taxation, Financial Services Law

Informationen: http://www.kentlaw.edu/academics/llm/llm_intl.html, http://www.kentlaw.edu/adm/adm_llm.html

Kontakt: Ms. Lindsay DuVall, International LL.M. Program Manager
phone: 312-906-5237
fax: 312-906-5355; e-mail: intllm@kentlaw.edu.

- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland/Ohio

Kurse: Taxation

Informationen: http://lawwww.cwru.edu/academic/llm_legal.htm, http://lawwww.cwru.edu/academic/llm_taxation.htm

- Columbia University

Informationen: http://www.law.columbia.edu/graduatelegalstudies/LLM.html

Kontakt: The Executive Secretary, Office of Graduate Legal Studies Columbia University
Mail Code 4036 435 West 116th Street
New York, NY 10027-7297

- University of Connecticut

Kurse: U.S. Legal Studies

Informationen: http://www.law.uconn.edu/academics/llm/

Kontakt: usllm@law.uconn.edu

- Cornell University

Informationen: http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/admissions/pdf/LLMAppBook.pdf

- University of Denver

Kurse: American and Comparative Law

Informationen: http://www.law.du.edu/degrees/grad/index.html

Kontakt: University of Denver College of Law
7039 E. 18th Ave.
Denver, CO 80220
Phone: (303) 871-6135
Fax: (303) 871-6100

Kontakt zu einem Absolventen, der gerne noch offene Fragen zum LL.M.-Programm beantwortet: RA/Attorney at Law Stefan M. Hagner.

- Duke University

Informationen: http://www.law.duke.edu/internat/graduateDegrees.html

Kontakt: Duke University School of Law
Durham, North Carolina 27708 USA
(919) 613-7006

- Dickinson School / Pennsylvania State University

Informationen: http://www.dsl.psu.edu/llm/llmintro.html

- Emory University, Atlanta/Georgia

Kurse: International Law

Informationen: http://www.law.emory.edu/pub-cgi/print_hit_bold.pl/LAW/contents.html/degree.html

- Fordham University

Kurse: Banking, Corporate and Finance Law; International Business and Trade Law

Informationen: http://law.fordham.edu/htm/llm-home.htm

Kontakt: 140 West 62nd Street, Rm 05A (bet. Columbus Ave. & Amsterdam Ave.)
New York, NY 10023
T. (212) 636-6883
F. (212) 636-6922
e-mail: llm@law.fordham.edu
Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

- George Washington University

Kurse: American Law, International and Comparative Law, Intellectual Property Law, Environmental Law, International Environmental Law, or Government Procurement Law, Government Procurement and Environmental Law, and Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Informationen: http://www.law.gwu.edu/apply/llmadmitfor.asp

Kontakt: International Graduate Programs Office
The George Washington University Law School
Washington, DC 20052 USA
Telephone: (202) 994-7242 or e-mail ils@main.nlc.gwu.edu

- University of Georgia

Informationen: http://www.uga.edu/ruskcenter/llm.html

- Georgetown University

Kurse: International and Comparative Law, Taxation, Securities and Financial Regulation, Certificate in Employee Benefits Law, Master of Laws (general studies), Master of Laws (International Legal Studies)

Informationen: http://www.law.georgetown.edu/graduate/intro.html

- Golden Gate University

Kurse: Master of Laws (U.S. Legal Studies), Master of Laws (Intellectual Property), Master of Laws (International Legal Studies), Master of Laws (Taxation)


LL.M. (U.S.): http://www.ggu.edu/schools/law/graduates/us_legal/index.html
Mail: LL.M. in U.S. Legal Studies
Golden Gate University School of Law
536 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-2968
Telephone: (415) 442-6607
E-mail: uslegal@ggu.edu
or: cpagano@ggu.edu

LL.M. (IP): http://www.ggu.edu/schools/law/graduates/IP/index.html

Mail: LL.M. in Intellectual Property Program
Golden Gate University School of Law
536 Mission Street
San Francisco CA 94105-2968
Telephone: (415) 442-6604
E-mail: ipllm@ggu.edu

LL.M. (International): http://www.ggu.edu/schools/law/graduates/ils/index.html
LL.M. in International Legal Studies
Golden Gate University School of Law
536 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-2968
Phone: (415) 442-6607
Fax: (415) 495-6756
E-mail: ils@ggu.edu

LL.M. (Tax): http://www.ggu.edu/schools/law/graduates/llm_tax/index.html
Mail: LL.M. in Taxation Program
Golden Gate University School of Law
536 Mission Street
San Francisco CA 94105-2968
Telephone: (415) 442-6605
E-mail: taxllm@ggu.edu

- Harvard University

Kurse: Environmental Law , Corporations, Public International Law, Constitutional Law, Business Organization and Finance, Legal Theory, Human Rights, International Taxation, International Finance

Informationen: http://www.law.harvard.edu/Admissions/Graduate_Programs/programs/index.php?page=llm

- Hofstra University

Kurse: Citizenship and Nationality Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, Comparative Critical Race Theory, Comparative Divorce Law and Procedure, Comparative Law, Energy The Environment and The Global Economy, European Union Law, Foreign Affairs and the Constitution, Immigration Law, International Arbitration Law, International Business Transactions, International Civil Litigation, International Criminal Law, International Environmental Law, International Human Rights Law, International Institutions, International Law, International Taxation, International Trade Law, Law of the Sea, Product Regulation and Liability in the U.S.A. and the E.U

Informationen: http://www.hofstra.edu/Academics/Law/law_llm.cfm

Kontakt: Cassandra Williams, Graduate Programs Coordinator lawctw@hofstra.edu Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549-1000
Phone 1-516-463-6600

- University of Houston

Kurse: Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Law, Health Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Economic Law, Tax Law

Informationen: http://www.law.uh.edu/llm/

Kontakt: University of Houston Law Center LL.M. Program
100 Law Center
Houston, Texas 77204-6060
(713) 743-2081
713 743-2194 (fax)
email: llm@www.law.uh.edu

- Howard University, Washington D.C.

Informationen: http://www.law.howard.edu/info/admissions/llmprogram/admissions.html

- University of Illinois

Informationen: http://www.law.uiuc.edu/intl/llminfo.asp

Kontakt: Office of Graduate and International Legal Studies University of Illinois
College of Law
504 East Pennsylvania Avenue
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
telephone: (217) 333-6066
email: llm@law.uiuc.edu fax: (217) 244-1478

- University of Iowa

Kurse: International and Comparative Law (International Business Law, Law of International Economic Institutions, International Environmental Law, International Human Rights Law, Law in Radically Different Cultures, Law Governing International Organizations and United States Foreign Policy)

Informationen: http://www.uiowa.edu/~iclp/about_ic.html

Kontakt: International and Comparative Law Program
c/o Associate Dean Burns H. Weston
The University of Iowa College of Law Melrose and Byington
Iowa City, IA 52242 USA
Phone: + 319-335-9169
Facsimile: + 319-335-9098
Email: iclp@uiowa.edu

- University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

Informationen: http://www.law.ucla.edu/students/academicprograms/llm/infollm.html

Kontakt: UCLA School of Law
Graduate LL.M. Program
Box 951476
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90095-1476
e-mail LLM@law.ucla.edu

- Louisiana State University

Informationen: http://www.law.lsu.edu/pdf/AdvancedDegrees.pdf

- University of Miami

Kurse: Taxation, Estate Planning, Comparative Law, Inter-American Law, International Law, Ocean and Coastal Law, Real Property Development.

Informationen: http://www.law.miami.edu/admissions/llm/

Kontakt: University of Miami School of Law
1311 Miller Drive
Coral Gables, Florida 33124-0221
Tel. (305) 284-2339

- University of Michigan

Kurse: Constitutional Law, Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Intellectual Property, Feminist Jurisprudence, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Law, Litigation, Legal Theory, Health Law, Tax, Law and Economics, Antitrust, Civil Rights Law, Public International Law, Private International Law, Foreign Law.

Informationen: http://www.law.umich.edu/ProspectiveStudents/graduate/graduate.htm#masters

- University of Minnesota

Informationen: http://www.law.umn.edu/llm/default.htm

Kontakt: University of Minnesota Law School Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-625-1000

- Franklin Pierce Law Center, New Hampshire

Kurse: Intellectual Property

Informationen: http://www.fplc.edu/ipb/ip_over.htm

Kontakt: 2 White Street Concord, New Hampshire 03301
Phone (603) 228-1541

- New York University

Kurse: Comparative Jurisprudence, Corporation Law, International Legal Studies, International Taxation, Labor and Employment Law, Public Service Law, Taxation, Trade Regulation

Informationen: http://www.law.nyu.edu/academicprograms/graduatedegree/masteroflaws.html

- Northwestern University

Informationen: http://www.law1.northwestern.edu/depts/gradintl/llm/index.htm

Kontakt: Northwestern University School of Law
357 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone (312) 503-3100

- Pace University

Kurse: Environmental Law

Informationen: http://www.law.pace.edu/pacelaw/environment/llm.html

- University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law

Kurse: Transnational Business Practice, International Water Resources Law

Informationen: http://www.mcgeorge.edu/international/transnational_business/index.htm

Kontakt: University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law
3200 Fifth Avenue
Sacramento, California 95817
(916) 739-7105

- University of Pennsylvania

Informationen: http://www.law.upenn.edu/adms/llmpage.html

- Pittsburgh University

Informationen: http://www.law.pitt.edu/programs/llm/index.html

- Washington University St. Louis

Kurse: Intellectual Property

Informationen: http://www.wulaw.wustl.edu/LLMIP/index.html

Kontakt: Dean for Graduate and Joint Programs Michele Shoresman Phone (314) 935-7244

- St. Louis University

Kurse: Health Law, American Law for Foreign Lawyers

Informationen: http://law.slu.edu/admissions/AcademicPrograms/LLM.html

- Stetson University

Kurse: International Law & Business

Informationen: http://www.law.stetson.edu/international/llm/default.htm

Kontakt: Office of International Programs Stetson University College of Law
1401-61st Street South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33707-3299
Tel: (727) 562-7849 / Fax: (727) 347-4183
E-mail: international@law.stetson.edu

- California Western University San Diego

Kurse: Comparative Law

Informationen: http://www.cwsl.edu/admissions/a_mcl.html

Kontakt: Professor Jacquelyn Slotkin Director, M.C.L./LL.M. Program
225 Cedar Street San Diego, California 92101, USA
Tel:(619) 525.1492 / Fax:(619) 696.9999
e-mail: jslotkin@cwsl.edu

- University of San Diego

Kurse: Taxation, Business and Corporate Law, International Law, LL.M.s with Concentrations, Comparative Law for International Lawyers

Informationen: http://www.acusd.edu/usdlaw/grad/master.shtml

- Golden Gate University

Kurse: Environmental Law, Taxation, US Legal Studies, International Legal Studies Informationen: http://www.ggu.edu/schools/law/graduates/index.html

- Southern Methodist University

Kurse: Taxation, Comparative and International Law, no specific subject-designated LL.M. degrees (e.g. Corporate and Commercial Law, International Law, Labor Law, Legal Practice and Procedure, Natural Resources Law, Property Law)

Informationen: http://www.law.smu.edu/lawschool/gradstudies.htm

- Temple University

Kurse: LL.M. for International Lawyers, Trial Advocacy, Transnational Law, Taxation

Informationen: http://www2.law.temple.edu/page.asp?page=graduatellmprograms

Kontakt: Temple University Beasley School of Law Office of Graduate & International Programs
1719 North Broad Street - Room 710
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6098, U.S.A
Telephone: (215) 204-1448
Telefax: (215) 204-2282
E-mail: intl-law@vm.temple.edu

- University of Texas, Austin

Informationen: http://www.utexas.edu/law/acadprogs/llm/foreignllm.html

Kontakt: Graduate Admissions Coordinator The University of Texas School of Law
727 East Dean Keeton Street
Austin, TX 78705-3299 U.S.A.
Telephone: (512) 232-1262
Telefax: (512) 475-7970
Email: LLM@mail.law.utexas.edu

- Tulane University

Kurse: General LLM, Admiralty, Energy & Environment, International & Comparative Law

Informationen: http://www.law.tulane.edu/admit/brochure/grad/menu.htm

- University of Virginia

Kurse: Judicial Process, General LL.M.

Informationen: http://www.law.virginia.edu/lawweb/lawweb2.nsf/pages/Degrees

Kontakt: Program coordinator Phone (804) 924-3154
program administrator (Judicial Process) Phone (804) 924-4787

- University of Washington

Kurse: Asian & Comparative Law

Informationen: http://www.law.washington.edu/LawSchool/admit/graduate.html

Kontakt: University of Washington School of Law
1100 N.E. Campus Parkway
Seattle, WA 98105-6617
Tel. (206) 543-4550

- William & Mary University

Kurse: American Legal System

Informationen: http://www.wm.edu/law/academicprograms/LLM/index.shtml

Kontakt: William & Mary School of Law
PO Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795

- University of Wisconsin

Kurse: no specialized programs

Informationen: http://www.law.wisc.edu/grad/llm-sjd.htm

Kontakt: Graduate Programs Committee office University of Wisconsin Law School: telephone: (608) 262-9120 fax: (608) 265-2253 email: gradprog@law.wisc.edu

- Yale University


Informationen: http://www.law.yale.edu/yls/acad-llm.htm

Kontakt: Graduate Programs
P.O. Box 208215
New Haven CT. 06520-8215
Phone (203) 432-1696
Fax (203) 432-7362
e-mail: gradpro.law@yale.edu

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